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Showing posts from March 26, 2013


This methodology will explain how I went about doing my project. It is divided into two sections Sampling details & Data collection + analysis. In this there will be explanation of what kind of sample data I have taken for my project and the collection of that data.   SAMPLING AND DATA COLLECTION: For the completion of my project I went through the random sampling of data. In which I have picked up some components randomly for the observation and did the analysis as required for the project. Photographs were taken and relevant readings were recorded for documentation & project report. Data collection includes all the relevant and appropriate data required for the completion of the project. This is of two kinds, Primary data and Secondary data. Primary data includes all the data which I have collected from the crankcase line such as component flow path, dent prone areas on the cover & joint faces, dimensions of the cone plugs and actual dents on KSPG components during ...


This methodology will explain how I went about doing my project. It is divided into two sections Sampling details & Data collection + analysis. In this there will be explanation of what kind of sample data I have taken for my project and the collection of that data.   SAMPLING AND DATA COLLECTION: For the completion of my project I went through the random sampling of data. In which I have picked up some components randomly for the observation and did the analysis as required for the project. Photographs were taken and relevant readings were recorded for documentation & project report. Data collection includes all the relevant and appropriate data required for the completion of the project. This is of two kinds, Primary data and Secondary data. Primary data includes all the data which I have collected from the crankcase line such as component flow path, dent prone areas on the cover & joint faces, dimensions of the cone plugs and actual dents on KSPG compone...