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Showing posts from January 28, 2014

Failure Analysis

• Why ? As the standards of our industry rise due to increasing globalization and competition, there is an ever growing need for consistency and reliability. Breakdown of any unit, system or equipment is an avoidable and costly occurrence and must be prevented or minimized. Analysis of such failures becomes a resourceful and affordable tool in addressing such unwanted occurrences. To establish whether the cause of component failure lay on: a) Service conditions b) Design considerations c) Material and its specification d) Improper processing and assembly procedures or e)  Combinations of these. Only the real “Root cause” can ensure the effectiveness of corrective and preventive actions and avoid recurrence of failure.. • Stages Of Failure Analysis 1. Understanding and assimilation of background data and selection of samples. 2. Examination and documentation of the failed part by the following 1. Visual examination of parts, location...

Mechanical Engineering-What is It? / What Mechanical Engineers do?

Mechanical engineers design and develop everything you think of as a machine – from supersonic fighter jets to bicycles to toasters. And they influence the design of other products as well – shoes, light bulbs and even doors. Many mechanical engineers specialize in areas such as manufacturing, robotics, automotive/transportation and air conditioning. Others cross over into other disciplines, working on everything from artificial organs to the expanding field of nanotechnology. And some use their mechanical engineering degree as preparation for the practice of medicine and law. The mechanical engineer may design a component, a machine, a system or a process. Mechanical engineers will analyze their design using the principles of motion, energy, and force to insure the product functions safely, efficiently, reliably, and can be manufactured at a competitive cost. Mechanical engineers  work in the automotive, aerospace, chemical, computer, communica...

Mechanical Engineer

What is the Mechanical Engineer Mechanical engineering is a broad field of engineering that involves the use of physical principles for analysis, design, manufacture and maintenance of mechanical systems. Traditionally, it has been the branch of engineering that through the application of physical principles has enabled the creation of useful devices, as tools and machines. Mechanical engineers use principles such as heat, force and the conservation of mass and energy to analyze static and dynamic physical systems, helping to design objects. Mechanical Engineering is the branch of machinery, equipment and facilities bearing in mind ecological and economic aspects for the benefit of society. To do their job, mechanical engineering analyze needs, formulate and solve technical problems through an interdisciplinary, and relies on scientific developments, translating into elements, machines, equipment and facilities to provide adequate service through ...


Mechatronics is a word originated in Japan in 1980s to denote the combination of technologies which go together to produce industrial robots. A formal definition of Mechatronics is “the synergistic integration of Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering, Electronics, Computer technology, and IT to produce or enhance products and systems.’’ The various fields that make up Mechatronics is shown in Fig Examples of such systems are Computers, Disk drives, Photocopiers, Fax machines, VCR, Washing machines, CNC machine tools, Robots, etc. Today’s modern cars are also mechatronics product with the usage of electronic engine management system, collision detection, global positioning system, and others.. The concept of mechatronics is very important today to meet the customers’ ever increasing demands and still remain competitive in the global market. Very often a mechanical engineer without the mechatronics background is considered equivalent to a mechanical en...

Sintering / Green Compact / Diffusing

The operation of heating the green compact at high temperature in a controlled atmosphere (Reducing atmosphere which protects oxidation of metal powders). The Sintering increases the bond between the particles and therefore strengthens a powder metal compact. Sintering temperature and time of sintering depends on the type of powders and the strength required in a final product. The Sintering temperatures usually 0.6 to 0.8 times the melting point of powders. Type of powder                                    Sintering Temperature                  Time Aluminium & Alloys                       ...

Methods of Compacting / Powder Metallurgy

Methods are: Pressing Centrifugal Casting Slip Casting Extruding Gravity Casting Rolling Iso-static Moulding Explosive Compacting Fibre Metal processes Pressing: The function principles of the mechanic press machines differ in how to ensure the upper punch main movement by cams, spindles and friction drives, eccentric, knuckle-joints or by the round table principle, independent if the die or lower punch movement is realized by cams  or eccentric systems or other mechanically or hydraulically combined systems. The executions of auxiliary movements are also not decisive for a term-classification. These auxiliary movements can also base on pneumatic and hydraulic principles. In comparison to hydraulic press machines the maximum compaction forces of mechanical powder presses are limited and are placed in the range </= 5000 kN. For the requirements of wet and dry pressing techniques in the field of Technical Ceramics cams, eccentric, knuckle joint as well as round table pr...

Powder Metallurgy

Definition: The Process of producing components from metallic powder parts made by powder metallurgy may contain non-metallic constituents to improve the bonding qualities and properties. Number and variety of products made by powder metallurgy are continuously increasing: Tungsten Filaments for Lamps Contact Point relays Self lubricating bearings Cemented carbides for cutting tools etc. Characters of Metal Powders: Shape: It is influenced by the way it’s made. The shape may be spherical (atomization) (Electrolysis) flat or angular (Mechanical crushing). The particle shape influences the flow characteristics of powders. Particle Size (Fineness) and size distribution: Particle Size and Distribution are important factors which controls the porosity, Compressibility and amount of shrinkage. Proper particle size and size distribution are determined by passing the powder through a standard sieves ranging from 45 to 150 micrometer mesh. Flowability: The ...

Engine Speed Governors - Speed Control Governor - Speed Limiters

The governor is a device which is used to controlling the speed of an engine based on the load requirements. Basic governors sense speed and sometimes load of a prime mover and adjust the energy source to maintain the desired level. So it’s simply mentioned as a device giving automatic control (either pressure or temperature) or limitation of speed.   The governors are control mechanisms and they work on the principle of feedback control. Their basic function is to control the speed within limits when load on the prime mover changes. They have no control over the change in speed (flywheel determines change in speed i.e. speed control) within the cycle. Take an example: Assume a driver running a car in hill station, at that time engine load increases, and automatically vehicle speed decreases. Now the actual speed is less than desired speed. So driver increases the fuel to achieve the desired speed. So here, the driver is a governor for this system. So governor is a sys...

Steering Systems - Hydraulic Power Steering Systems - Steering Wheel Parts

STEERING The steering system in a vehicle is used to move the vehicle in a particular direction. This is a very important sub-system in a car without which it would be impossible for a vehicle to follow its desired path. The steering system can be used to steer all kinds of vehicles like cars, trucks, buses, trains, tanks etc. The conventional steering system consisted of turning the front wheels in the desired direction. But now we have four wheel steering system mostly used in heavy vehicles, to reduce the turning radius, rear wheel steering system, differential steering system etc. The basic components of any steering system are:-                    1. Steering column                    2. Steering box                    3. Tie rods ...