Gyroroscope effect will usefull in determining the direction in wich the aeroplane nose and tale will move while taking a turn in either direction like left or right have several if we are noticing from the rare side(back side) whn the plan take a left cut ..and the rotter of the plan is moving in the clockwise direction..then the nose get up and the tail goes down...because of the active and reavtive gyroscopic couple fore which are acting in opposite direction and equal in magnitude... (2)-if plan takes a right turn in the same conditions the action of the tail and nose will be the vice versa of the 1st result... if rotter in moving in anticlock wise direction...then the result 1st and 2nd will be the vice versa ... (3)-condition 2nd...if we notice it from the front the all results are oppsite...for e.g if plane turns left then the nose get down and tail gets down in direction nw u can get all result by transforming them into the jst opposite to the r...
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