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Gyroscopic effect on airplane:

Gyroroscope effect will usefull in determining the direction in wich the aeroplane nose and tale will move while taking a turn in either direction like left or right have several if we are noticing from the rare side(back side) whn the plan take a left cut ..and the rotter of the plan is moving in the clockwise direction..then the nose get up and the tail goes down...because of the active and reavtive gyroscopic couple fore which are acting in opposite direction and equal in magnitude... (2)-if plan takes a right turn in the same conditions the action of the tail and nose will be the vice versa of the 1st result... if rotter in moving in anticlock wise direction...then the result 1st and 2nd will be the vice versa ... (3)-condition 2nd...if we notice it from the front the all results are oppsite...for e.g if plane turns left then the nose get down and tail gets down in direction nw u can get all result by transforming them into the jst opposite to the r...

Gyroscopic effect on airplane:

Gyroroscope effect will usefull in determining the direction in wich the aeroplane nose and tale will move while taking a turn in either direction like left or right have several if we are noticing from the rare side(back side) whn the plan take a left cut ..and the rotter of the plan is moving in the clockwise direction..then the nose get up and the tail goes down...because of the active and reavtive gyroscopic couple fore which are acting in opposite direction and equal in magnitude... (2)-if plan takes a right turn in the same conditions the action of the tail and nose will be the vice versa of the 1st result... if rotter in moving in anticlock wise direction...then the result 1st and 2nd will be the vice versa ... (3)-condition 2nd...if we notice it from the front the all results are oppsite...for e.g if plane turns left then the nose get down and tail gets down in direction nw u can get all result by transforming them into the jst opposite t...

Significance of governor in automobiles:

Governor is an important component of automobile engine. It is used to regulate the main speed of engine during the variations in loads. With the variations in the load, fuel supply has to be maintained. This task is performed by the governor. In the case of high load on the engine, speed decreases, hence fuel supply has to be increased and similarly when load decreases then the fuel supply has to be decreased.

Significance of governor in automobiles:

Governor is an important component of automobile engine. It is used to regulate the main speed of engine during the variations in loads. With the variations in the load, fuel supply has to be maintained. This task is performed by the governor. In the case of high load on the engine, speed decreases, hence fuel supply has to be increased and similarly when load decreases then the fuel supply has to be decreased.

Electrochemical machining (ECM)

It is a method of removing metal by an electrochemical process. It is normally used for mass production and is used for working extremely hard materials or materials that are difficult to machine using conventional methods. Its use is limited to electrically conductive materials. ECM can cut small or odd-shaped angles, intricate contours or cavities in hard and exotic metals, such as titanium aluminides, Inconel, Waspaloy, and high nickel, cobalt, and rhenium alloys. Both external and internal geometries can be machined. ECM is often characterized as "reverse electroplating," in that it removes material instead of adding it.

Electrochemical machining (ECM)

It is a method of removing metal by an electrochemical process. It is normally used for mass production and is used for working extremely hard materials or materials that are difficult to machine using conventional methods. Its use is limited to electrically conductive materials. ECM can cut small or odd-shaped angles, intricate contours or cavities in hard and exotic metals, such as titanium aluminides, Inconel, Waspaloy, and high nickel, cobalt, and rhenium alloys. Both external and internal geometries can be machined. ECM is often characterized as "reverse electroplating," in that it removes material instead of adding it.

Working of air conditioners in cars:

Air conditioners are based on the principles of evaporation and condensation and then compression and expansion. The hot air of the car is removed by the process of evaporation and then the condensation of the evaporated air takes places which is then further compressed by the compressor and then finally expanded to us in the form of cold breeze. Somehow, Air conditioning reduces the average of the car, as the energy is required to remove the hot air and then compression and expansion.

Working of air conditioners in cars:

Air conditioners are based on the principles of evaporation and condensation and then compression and expansion. The hot air of the car is removed by the process of evaporation and then the condensation of the evaporated air takes places which is then further compressed by the compressor and then finally expanded to us in the form of cold breeze. Somehow, Air conditioning reduces the average of the car, as the energy is required to remove the hot air and then compression and expansion.

Why Audi A6 Car in market ?

The new A6 car is more lighter has more power transmission and also comes with lots of technology than the car it replaces earlier. This car is the first official audi car in india since many years launched in 2005. The first audi comes with 3.0 petrol and diesel motors followed but after in 2007 it has 3.2 litre direct injection petrol which increases the power generation but not the sales or production of the car .Then after 2 years , in 2009 with a minor change along with good super charged petrol and upgraded diesel engine. The success of new A6 model is vital for audi's future in indian car industry. The audi A6 has beautiful LED headlamps, tightly cropped grille, the large inlets give unique feature and looks by dimensionally this car is little longer wheelbase and is little wider then its previous model. Doors, bonnets , boot lids are made up of light aluminum and comes with four wheel drive for good pickup and for good performance.

Why Audi A6 Car in market ?

The new A6 car is more lighter has more power transmission and also comes with lots of technology than the car it replaces earlier. This car is the first official audi car in india since many years launched in 2005. The first audi comes with 3.0 petrol and diesel motors followed but after in 2007 it has 3.2 litre direct injection petrol which increases the power generation but not the sales or production of the car .Then after 2 years , in 2009 with a minor change along with good super charged petrol and upgraded diesel engine. The success of new A6 model is vital for audi's future in indian car industry. The audi A6 has beautiful LED headlamps, tightly cropped grille, the large inlets give unique feature and looks by dimensionally this car is little longer wheelbase and is little wider then its previous model. Doors, bonnets , boot lids are made up of light aluminum and comes with four wheel drive for good pickup and for good performance.

Subjects in Mechanical Engineering

Subjects in Mechanical Engineering includes regular 8 semesters !  Mathematics 1-2-3 chemistry physics engineering drawing 1-2 robotics fluid mechanics 1-2 applied thermodynamics 1-2 industrial engineering environmental science major project cad/cam etc

Subjects in Mechanical Engineering

Subjects in Mechanical Engineering includes regular 8 semesters !  Mathematics 1-2-3 chemistry physics engineering drawing 1-2 robotics fluid mechanics 1-2 applied thermodynamics 1-2 industrial engineering environmental science major project cad/cam etc

Why Mechanical Engineering ???

Nowadays mostly students want to be a mechanical engineer rather than other field . As this is the toughest branch among all other fields like communication,information technology , computer science, etc . It includes nearly 35-40 subjects in whole semesters , about engineering drawing ,thermodynamics , fluids ,robotics ,electrical, some part of electronics , mathematics ,etc ! mechanical engineering is also called evergreen branch among all because the demand of mechanical engineers is always stable whether in the time of recession also . The main demand of mechanical engineers in automobile industry , refineries , piping firms , designing companies . The demand is very vast ,though mechanical engineers are placed everywhere .  

Why Mechanical Engineering ???

Nowadays mostly students want to be a mechanical engineer rather than other field . As this is the toughest branch among all other fields like communication,information technology , computer science, etc . It includes nearly 35-40 subjects in whole semesters , about engineering drawing ,thermodynamics , fluids ,robotics ,electrical, some part of electronics , mathematics ,etc ! mechanical engineering is also called evergreen branch among all because the demand of mechanical engineers is always stable whether in the time of recession also . The main demand of mechanical engineers in automobile industry , refineries , piping firms , designing companies . The demand is very vast ,though mechanical engineers are placed everywhere .  


Ø   Manufacturing and sales of two wheelers.                                Ø   Manufacturing and sales of two wheeler engines. Ø   Service and sales of spare parts and accessories. Ø   Export of Honda products ( CBU , Engine & Parts) Ø   HMSI works on a Market–IN concept, which focuses on understanding customer needs and desire and translating them into product specifications. It is due to this concept that with in just five years of its launch in India, HMSI has changed the Indian two wheeler market with its products – Honda Activa, Dio, Eterno, Unicorn & Newly launched Shine.


Ø   Manufacturing and sales of two wheelers.                                Ø   Manufacturing and sales of two wheeler engines. Ø   Service and sales of spare parts and accessories. Ø   Export of Honda products ( CBU , Engine & Parts) Ø   HMSI works on a Market–IN concept, which focuses on understanding customer needs and desire and translating them into product specifications. It is due to this concept that with in just five years of its launch in India, HMSI has changed the Indian two wheeler market with its products – Honda Activa, Dio, Eterno, Unicorn & Newly launched Shine.

Corporate profile and divisions of honda

Honda   is headquartered in   Minato , Tokyo , Japan . Their shares trade on the   Tokyo Stock Exchange   and the   New York Stock Exchange , as well as exchanges in Osaka , Nagoya , Sapporo , Kyoto ,   Fukuoka , London , Paris and Switzerland . The company has assembly plants around the globe. These plants are located in China , the United States , Pakistan , Canada , England , Japan , Belgium , Brazil , New Zealand , Indonesia , India , Thailand , Turkey and Perú. As of July 2010, 89 percent of Honda and Acura vehicles sold in the United States were built in North American plants, up from 82.2 percent a year earlier. This shields profits from the yen’s advance to a 15-year high against the dollar. Honda's Net Sales and Other Operating Revenue by Geographical Regions in 2007 Geographic Region Total revenue (in millions of   ¥ ) Japan 1,681,190 Nor...

Corporate profile and divisions of honda

Honda   is headquartered in   Minato , Tokyo , Japan . Their shares trade on the   Tokyo Stock Exchange   and the   New York Stock Exchange , as well as exchanges in Osaka , Nagoya , Sapporo , Kyoto ,   Fukuoka , London , Paris and Switzerland . The company has assembly plants around the globe. These plants are located in China , the United States , Pakistan , Canada , England , Japan , Belgium , Brazil , New Zealand , Indonesia , India , Thailand , Turkey and Perú. As of July 2010, 89 percent of Honda and Acura vehicles sold in the United States were built in North American plants, up from 82.2 percent a year earlier. This shields profits from the yen’s advance to a 15-year high against the dollar. Honda's Net Sales and Other Operating Revenue by Geographical Regions in 2007 Geographic Region Total revenue (in millions of ...

Universal joint

Universal joints are used for connecting two shafts inclined at angles to one another. For transmitting the rotary motion from the engine to the road wheels throughout the variations in position of the rear axle with respect to the gear box and chassis, universal joints are most suitable. It shows the principle of universal joint.

Universal joint

Universal joints are used for connecting two shafts inclined at angles to one another. For transmitting the rotary motion from the engine to the road wheels throughout the variations in position of the rear axle with respect to the gear box and chassis, universal joints are most suitable. It shows the principle of universal joint.


It is caused by the fuel with a low octane rating and is the tendency for the fuel to autoignite in an engine combustion chamber. The resulting knock or ping is the sound of the pistons slamming against the cylinder walls. Severe detonation can break pistons and destroy engines. This early ignition of fuel creates a shock wave throughout the cylinder as the burning and expanding fuel air mixture collides with the piston that is still traveling towards T.D.C. (top dead center) .


It is caused by the fuel with a low octane rating and is the tendency for the fuel to autoignite in an engine combustion chamber. The resulting knock or ping is the sound of the pistons slamming against the cylinder walls. Severe detonation can break pistons and destroy engines. This early ignition of fuel creates a shock wave throughout the cylinder as the burning and expanding fuel air mixture collides with the piston that is still traveling towards T.D.C. (top dead center) .

Hydraulic lifting (valve)

All the engines have hydraulic valve lifters in one form or another. The most common types of engine that has them is your vehicle engine. They created to get rid of the need for combustion engines to have mechanical clearance in the engine valve train. The reason that clearance is required is to keep the valve from being held open and destroyed as the valve train goes through its process of thermal expansion. In in effect, hydraulic valve lifters keep the valve healthy and protected from an engine normal thermal expansion process.

Hydraulic lifting (valve)

All the engines have hydraulic valve lifters in one form or another. The most common types of engine that has them is your vehicle engine. They created to get rid of the need for combustion engines to have mechanical clearance in the engine valve train. The reason that clearance is required is to keep the valve from being held open and destroyed as the valve train goes through its process of thermal expansion. In in effect, hydraulic valve lifters keep the valve healthy and protected from an engine normal thermal expansion process.


Differential  : When the vehicle travels around a corner, the distance traveled by the outer wheel is greater than that traveled by the inner wheel. If the wheels are mounted on dead axles so that they turn independently of each other, (the front wheels of the vehicle an ordinary vehicle) they turn at different speeds to compensate for the difference in travel. But the the wheels are positively driven by the engine to device is necessary to permit them to revolve at different speeds without interfering with the propulsion of the vehicle. To accomplish this purpose, a system of the differential gears is provided to allow the outer wheel to revolve at a higher speed than the inner wheel while turning corner. In this way, the inner wheel skidding of the which involves the sliding friction. being harmful for the life of the tyres is overcome Construction and working : Figure shows the construction and working of the differential mechanism. It Consists of The Following components: (i) C...


Differential  : When the vehicle travels around a corner, the distance traveled by the outer wheel is greater than that traveled by the inner wheel. If the wheels are mounted on dead axles so that they turn independently of each other, (the front wheels of the vehicle an ordinary vehicle) they turn at different speeds to compensate for the difference in travel. But the the wheels are positively driven by the engine to device is necessary to permit them to revolve at different speeds without interfering with the propulsion of the vehicle. To accomplish this purpose, a system of the differential gears is provided to allow the outer wheel to revolve at a higher speed than the inner wheel while turning corner. In this way, the inner wheel skidding of the which involves the sliding friction. being harmful for the life of the tyres is overcome Construction and working : Figure shows the construction and working of the differential mechanism. It Consists of The Following componen...

Cone clutch

It shows the cone clutch. It consists of two cones, internal and external cone. Friction material of a wire and asbestos are used for fitting on internal cone. The cones are held together in position by a large and strong coil spring. The torque is transmitted from the engine to the flywheel and internal cone to the splined shaft when the clutch is engaged. The foot operated clutch pedal is employed to pull out the internal cone and overcome the spring pressure during disengagement of the drive. Cone clutch was used for larger and earlier type vehicles but now it has become obsolete due to certain disadvantages.

Cone clutch

It shows the cone clutch. It consists of two cones, internal and external cone. Friction material of a wire and asbestos are used for fitting on internal cone. The cones are held together in position by a large and strong coil spring. The torque is transmitted from the engine to the flywheel and internal cone to the splined shaft when the clutch is engaged. The foot operated clutch pedal is employed to pull out the internal cone and overcome the spring pressure during disengagement of the drive. Cone clutch was used for larger and earlier type vehicles but now it has become obsolete due to certain disadvantages.

Press and Weld Operations for Front Fender (Scooter)

   The Honda Two Wheeler press shop consists of 4 Hydraulic Presses capable of producing 350 Ton force each. A bank is fed into the first press which is draws it into the form. The next press is fitted with a shearing die which cuts the excess parts (flashes) and pressed part is finished.  The finished part is visually inspected and buffing is done to ensure that no defect/dent reaches the weld area. The presses work in pair of two. One for drawing and second for shearing. Then these parts are sent to the weld section where they are clamped in a jigand a robotic arm welds the two parts together. An operator then checks the weld done by the robot in order to ensure that there is no welding miss or spatter. These defects are rectified by manual welding or by buffing. The second part of the fender is welded using spot welding. The weld is then inspected again. Finally the brake wire harness is welded. Also the L stay and R stay are welded (S...

Press and Weld Operations for Front Fender (Scooter)

   The Honda Two Wheeler press shop consists of 4 Hydraulic Presses capable of producing 350 Ton force each. A bank is fed into the first press which is draws it into the form. The next press is fitted with a shearing die which cuts the excess parts (flashes) and pressed part is finished.  The finished part is visually inspected and buffing is done to ensure that no defect/dent reaches the weld area. The presses work in pair of two. One for drawing and second for shearing. Then these parts are sent to the weld section where they are clamped in a jigand a robotic arm welds the two parts together. An operator then checks the weld done by the robot in order to ensure that there is no welding miss or spatter. These defects are rectified by manual welding or by buffing. The second part of the fender is welded using spot welding. The weld is then inspected again. Finally the brake wire harness is welded. Also the L...

KAIZEN Philosophy: -

  KAI stands for “change” and ZEN stands for “improvement”. So KAIZEN means, “Continual change for improvement”. This is the activity, which is open for all the employees, and all the employees take keen interest in this activity. “The more the number of Kaizens in a department, the more is the honor for the same” makes this event very much interesting.

KAIZEN Philosophy: -

  KAI stands for “change” and ZEN stands for “improvement”. So KAIZEN means, “Continual change for improvement”. This is the activity, which is open for all the employees, and all the employees take keen interest in this activity. “The more the number of Kaizens in a department, the more is the honor for the same” makes this event very much interesting.

Why to choose the PDCA Approach…….?

1.     Being a closed loop, it helps in better control of the various steps. 2.     Like a closed loop system it gives feed back and thus better control of the       various activities. 3.     It helps in continual improvement of the methods. 4.     It helps in pin-pointing the problem. 5.    Better comparison between Planned and Actual Achievements and time. 6.    Makes the things simpler and easier to understand as each step is self-explanatory. 7.    Better understanding of the basic procedure being followed. 8.    Helps in better and positive thinking. 9.    Helps in achieving the results in a more systematic manner. 10. Helps in finding the root cause of the problem. 11. Continuous monitoring approach resulting in better achievements. 12. Development of new ideas. 13. Better and safe approach towards the problem. 14. Examination of the problems and their countermeasures i...

Why to choose the PDCA Approach…….?

1.     Being a closed loop, it helps in better control of the various steps. 2.     Like a closed loop system it gives feed back and thus better control of the       various activities. 3.     It helps in continual improvement of the methods. 4.     It helps in pin-pointing the problem. 5.    Better comparison between Planned and Actual Achievements and time. 6.    Makes the things simpler and easier to understand as each step is self-explanatory. 7.    Better understanding of the basic procedure being followed. 8.    Helps in better and positive thinking. 9.    Helps in achieving the results in a more systematic manner. 10. Helps in finding the root cause of the problem. 11. Continuous monitoring approach resulting in better achievements. 12. Development of new ideas. 13. Better and safe approach towards the problem. 14. Examination of the p...


This methodology will explain how I went about doing my project. It is divided into two sections Sampling details & Data collection + analysis. In this there will be explanation of what kind of sample data I have taken for my project and the collection of that data.   SAMPLING AND DATA COLLECTION: For the completion of my project I went through the random sampling of data. In which I have picked up some components randomly for the observation and did the analysis as required for the project. Photographs were taken and relevant readings were recorded for documentation & project report. Data collection includes all the relevant and appropriate data required for the completion of the project. This is of two kinds, Primary data and Secondary data. Primary data includes all the data which I have collected from the crankcase line such as component flow path, dent prone areas on the cover & joint faces, dimensions of the cone plugs and actual dents on KSPG components during ...