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Press and Weld Operations for Front Fender (Scooter)

The Honda Two Wheeler press shop consists of 4 Hydraulic Presses capable of producing 350 Ton force each. A bank is fed into the first press which is draws it into the form. The next press is fitted with a shearing die which cuts the excess parts (flashes) and pressed part is finished. 

The finished part is visually inspected and buffing is done to ensure that no defect/dent reaches the weld area. The presses work in pair of two. One for drawing and second for shearing.
Then these parts are sent to the weld section where they are clamped in a jigand a robotic arm welds the two parts together. An operator then checks the weld done by the robot in order to ensure that there is no welding miss or spatter. These defects are rectified by manual welding or by buffing. The second part of the fender is welded using spot welding. The weld is then inspected again. Finally the brake wire harness is welded. Also the L stay and R stay are welded (Stay are the clips) which are used to hold the fender along with the fork assembly. A fiber tool is used to remove any seam from the external surface. The welded part is then sent for paint. Where it is painted and sent for Fork Assembly in AF-1


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