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Gorilla Glass Touch Screen

Touch screen technology in fast few years has grown drastically in various applications, in order to overcome the difficulties faced by the touch screen; a new frontier technology has to take its part to revitalize the use of touch screen. In this counterpart gorilla glass has thrown a flash light focus on touch screen technology. Gorilla Glass has taken an apt plays in touchscreen technology. This scratch repellent glass is used to form touchscreen panel for portable gadgets like ATM machines, android mobile phones, tablets, personal computers and MP3 Players. It’s designed to protect display screens from scratches, sticky oils, fractures, etc,.
01-Gorilla Glass Phones - Gorilla Glass Protection
Characteristics of Gorilla Glass:
  • Scratch resistance
  • Slimness / Thinner
  • Stronger
  • Improved Touch Sensitivity
Comparatively perfect fit for today’s abundance touch-screen handsets.

01-Gorilla Glass Screen - Gorilla Glass Display - Gorilla Glass Devices 

Difference between ‘Scratch- Proof ‘ and ‘Scratch Resistant’ glass:
A Scratch- screen proof is impermeable resistant to scratches. This kind of technology is not on the market however – any glass may break if it is placed under enough stress. Gorilla Glass is NOT a scratch-proof.
01-Gorilla Glass vs scratch resistant glass
A Scratch- screen resistant is much stronger than most screens. It is less probable to smash/crack if dropped, and less probably to scratch if scratched. Extreme force, sharp objects, and continual exposure to abrasive oils may leave scratches.
01-Gorilla Glass vs Normal Glass - Gorilla Glass benefits

History of Gorilla Glass:
The Gorilla Glass is the trade name of “Corning”, an United States of America Glass maker. They form the toughened glass (Alkali – Alumino Silicate Sheet) for the portable electronic gadgets. This idea generated in the 60s period as a project name, “Project Muscle”. The glass invented was called as “Chemcor” glass, which are ultra strong and light weight. The product is developed for windshield glass for cars, But the product is very costly so they are not succeeding on that time.
In the period of 2005, they again started researching with the project name of “Gorilla Glass”. In this period touch screen cell phones are popular, and the product needs a resilient, scratch resistant cell phone cover glass. At that time, the company take the idea from Chemcor glass and they start building the Gorilla glass.
After completing the research, first production starts at the period of 2007 and they got the first order in the period of 2008. At that period nearly 200 million users (about 20% of Devices) uses the gorilla glass for their cell phones. 

01-Gorilla Glass Scratch - Gorilla Glass Fail 

In 2012, the second generation of gorilla glass they built and launched, achieved a goal of one billion devices.
01-Gorilla Glass Scratch - Gorilla Glass Nokia

In 2013, the Third generation Gorilla Glass they launched, which are three times more resistant and stronger; 40% scratches which occur will not be visible to naked eye.
Currently Used Gorilla Glass products:
  • Iphone
  • HTC
  • LG
  • Motorolla
  • Nokia
  • Samsung
01-Gorilla Glass Phones - Gorilla Glass Nokia

  • Samsung
  • Blackberry
  • Lenovo
01-Gorilla Glass Tablet - Gorilla Glass Android
  • Dell
  • Sony
  • Lenovo
01-Gorilla Glass Laptop - Gorilla Glass Laptop Screens
  • Sony
01-Gorilla Glass TV Screens - Gorilla Glass Sony TV
  • Leica
01-Gorilla Glass Cameras - Gorilla Glass Leica

• Glass designed for a high degree of chemical strengthening
- High compressive stress
- Deep compression layer
• High retained strength after use
• High resistance to scratch damage
• Superior surface quality
• Ideal protective covering for displays in
- Smart phones
- Laptop / Portable Computers and tablet computer screens
- Mobile devices
• Touchscreen devices
• Optical components
• High strength glass articles


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