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Mechanical Engineer

What is the Mechanical Engineer

Mechanical engineering is a broad field of engineering that involves the use of physical principles for analysis, design, manufacture and maintenance of mechanical systems. Traditionally, it has been the branch of engineering that through the application of physical principles has enabled the creation of useful devices, as tools and machines.
Mechanical engineers use principles such as heat, force and the conservation of mass and energy to analyze static and dynamic physical systems, helping to design objects. Mechanical Engineering is the branch of machinery, equipment and facilities bearing in mind ecological and economic aspects for the benefit of society. To do their job, mechanical engineering analyze needs, formulate and solve technical problems through an interdisciplinary, and relies on scientific developments, translating into elements, machines, equipment and facilities to provide adequate service through the rational use and efficient use of available resources.

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Engineering is dedicated to designing, building, negotiation and component maintenance. It required new devices with complex functions in the movement or that withstand large forces, so it was necessary that this new discipline to study the movement and balance. It was also necessary to find a new way of running the machines as originally used by human or animal power. The use of machines that run on energy from the steam, coal, gas and electricity brought great progress.


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